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Program - 10 Forum Gospodarcze TIME
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8.00 – 16.00 Registration of participants
8.50 – 9.00 Official opening
Stefan Kamiński – CEO, KIGEiT
Borys Stokalski – CEO, PIIT
Klaus Mittelbach – CEO, ZVEI
9.00 – 9.15 Jadwiga Emilewicz – Minister, Ministry of Enterprise and Technology, Poland 
9.15 – 9.30 Klaus Mittelbach – CEO, ZVEI
9.30 – 9.45 Yves Paindaveine – Head of Sector, Digitising European Industry Governance
9.45 -9.55 Malte Lohan – CEO, Orgalime 
9.55 -10.15 Presentation: Industry and knowledge Society 4.0
Prof. Dieter Wegener, – Chairman ZVEI Industrie 4.0 – Steering Group
10.15 -10.35 Presentation: Digital Transformation, Machine Learning + Artificial Intelligence 
Rada Rodriguez –  Member of the ZVEI President’s Board
10.35 -10.55 Presentation: Future of the Polish Digital Industry
Jarosław Tworóg, PhD – Vice-president, KIGEiT
10.55 -11.10 Coffee break 
SESSION I – Transformation Industry 4.0 (Universal robotics and automation)
11.105 -11.30 Presentation: Intelligent Network Services
Jacek Łukaszewski – CEO, Schneider Electric Poland
11.30 -12.30 Discussion: Robotics and automation – milestones and consequences
Moderator:  Oliver Blank, PhD – CEO, ZVEI European Office
Invited:  Witold Bereszczyński – Managing Director, Weidmueller Poland
Tomasz Haiduk, PhD – Member of the Board,Siemens Polska
Jacek Łukaszewski – CEO, Schneider Electric – Poland
Jussi Rautee – Head of Robotics and Motion division, ABB in Poland
Prof. Piotr Szynkarczyk – CEO, PIAP (Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements)
Description The aim of the panel discussion is to exchange views on the principles of creation the legal and technical framework of the European industrial cooperation in Economy 4.0.


A new quality has emerged in computer technology that will change the construction of processors and digital electronic circuits. A new class of software based on machine learning is being developed. Before our eyes, a “thinking” technology is born that will be the basis for the development of robots. Self-learning, intelligent software, drawing from achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, entered imperceptibly into the period of commercialization.

Standardisation also serves as the basis for maximisation of the economic effects, resulting from economies of scale. The interoperability of robots, software and their components will increase and facilitate the joint development of larger systems by groups of independent companies. Robots and machines designed to work under a variety of conditions must operate based on open technical specifications, which will allow all manufacturers and users to use them in a safe and efficient manner. They should become an integral part of the world of IoT networking devices. The user should always be informed whether they are dealing with a robot or a machine. This will be enabled by the use of smart software (AI). We can observe a growing role of the EU in defining norms and mandatory technical specifications at multiple levels: metrology, management and product. The standardisation and normalisation processes should be accelerated. The mandatory technical specifications will make it easier for robots and machines to employ the entire available technical infrastructure and make the best use of it.


SESSION II – Autonomous machines
12.30-12.50 Presentation: Infrastructure and legislation for autonomous machines and electric cars 
Andrzej Szałek, PhD – Expert on New Technologies, Toyota Motor Poland
12.50-13.10 Presentation: The status and prospects for the development of autonomous cars and machines
Boris Dula – CEO, CEIT  Asseco Group
13.10 -14.00 Discussion: Autonomous cars and machines – social and educational barriers
Moderator:  Oliver Blank, PhD – CEO, ZVEI European Office
Invited:  Boris Dula – CEO, CEIT Group
Andrzej Szałek, PhD – Expert on New Technologies, Toyota Motor Poland
Jarosław Szczepaniak – Board Adviser, Lotos Group
Roland Werner – Head of Government Affairs & Policy, DACH & CEE, UBER
Description As part of the discussion, we will be presenting activities aiming at modernisation of the legal frameworks of the EU Member States within the context of autonomous machine development. In order to assure sustainable development of the EU, the frameworks should be based on similar assumptions on common technical specifications


Otherwise, incompatible legal systems regulating the digital economy will emerge, and differences in the level of economic development of individual countries and regions will start to increase once again. As part of the discussion we will try to answer questions about the possibilities of closer cooperation between the industry and the State administration, in order to accelerate the necessary changes. It is in the interest of the EU industry to ensure that legal conditions for new business models are implemented simultaneously in all the EU member states. We will also put emphasis on the importance of education and training that currently constitute the main barrier for efficient digitisation process that is the crucial element of all the changes described herein.

The joint organisation of the space for operation of autonomous cars and agricultural machinery requires urgent legislative work to prevent further differences in sectoral specifications and socio-economic development of individual EU countries. Given the above, we should closely observe how the EU will handle the issue of electro-mobility, implementation of which will coincide with the implementation of autonomous transport solutions, the 5G network and smart software. During the panel discussion we will try to define the role of the digital industry in shaping the strategy of developing autonomous transport solutions and implementing the rules of creating formal specifications for software and monitoring/metering.

The principles of functioning of autonomous machines in plants and open spaces are one of the most important elements of the process of creating an ecosystem for Economy 4.0. In the case of plants, it will be necessary to redefine the system of workplace safety rules, since it will have to take into consideration complex human-machine interactions. Another particularly complex issue will be to determine how the autonomous machines should operate in the open public space. We want to open a discussion on the common principles that autonomous cars and other maintenance-free equipment such as agricultural machinery, construction, roads, etc. should respect in order to be allowed to operate in the open system. It is time to determine the qualifications, the rights and the responsibilities of professional and private-end users for the correct and safe introduction of such devices for use. It is high time we determine how autonomous devices will benefit from broadband access to the IoT, in order to minimise the cost of building the appropriate ICT infrastructure. The currently


14.00 -15.00 Lunch
SESSION III – Interoperability of machine software
15.00 -15.20 Presentation: Industrial integration platforms of large manufacturers – an opportunity for Polish companies”
Adam Gąsiorek – Dyrektor ds. Badań i Rozwoju, Transition Technologies PSC
15.20 -15.40 Presentation: Industry 4.0 Platform for horizontal integration – legal and technical issues
Andrzej Soldaty – Founder and Project Partner “Initiative for The Polish Industry 4.0”
15.40 -16.40 Discussion: Single EU Industry 4.0 – Legal environment for SMEs and corporations
Moderator:  Jarosław Tworóg, PhD – Vice-president, KIGEiT
Invited:  Adam Gąsiorek – Dyrektor ds. Badań i Rozwoju, Transition Technologies PSC
Tomasz Marak – Pre-Sales Manager, Siemens Industry Software
Paweł Pisarczyk – Chairman of the Section  KIGEiT (SIS-SG)
Michał Sadowski – Head of Operations, Advantech Poland
Andrzej Soldaty – Founder and Project Partner “Initiative for The Polish Industry 4.0”
Description The session will be dedicated to the subject of standardization and interoperability of software. Computer technology has witnessed the emergence of new solutions that will redefine the design of processors and digital electronic circuits. Smart, self-learning software, benefiting from the results of works on artificial intelligence, entered unnoticed the commercialisation phase.


We will discuss the need to create open operating systems and technical specifications that will enable the widespread participation of enterprises in the development of applications, production modules and systems for combining them. This applies to all aspects of production, storage and transport. A clearly defined legal and technical framework is necessary especially for SMEs. It is important to ensure compatibility and interoperability of devices operating in IoT. New rules of software development and validation, completely different form the ones that currently apply, started to emerge. There is an obvious need to promote electronic circuits and software based on the “secure by design” principle. The beginning of a new phase in the development of computer technology gives Europe an opportunity to catch up with the development of the industry of digital electronics and software. In particular, the thing we need is a new compatibility and interoperability framework that would serve the next generation of digital machines. The main challenge that should be faced in order to dominate the IoT market is to elaborate a logical strategy for assuring interoperability of the new generation of software. Only in this way can we can unleash the intellectual potential of the EU countries to build a significant competitive advantage on the software market for Industry and the Economy 4.0.


19.30 -23.00 GALA DINNER
(Celebration of NTA’s Anniversaries)


8.00 – 16.00 Registration of participants
8.50 – 9.00 Official opening
Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl – Director General DIGITALEUROPE
Marcin Cichy – President, UKE
9.00 – 9.20 Presentation: 5G network infrastructure in EU
Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl – General Director , DIGITALEUROPE
9.20 – 9.35 Presentation: Global deployment of 5G 
Chaesub Lee, PhD – Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Bureau     
9.35 – 9.55 Presentation: 5G Network for Poland
Marcin Cichy – CEO, UKE
9.55-10.30 Discussion: EU Member States cooperation – Legal environment and financial solutions for 5G investments
Moderator: Łukasz Grass – Editor in Chief – Business Insider
Invited: Cecylia Bonefeld-Dahl – General Director , DIGITALEUROPE
Michał Boni – Deputy of UE
Marcin Cichy – President, UKE
Chaesub Lee, PhD – Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
10.30 -10.45 Coffee break 
SESSION I –  5G Network – Business Models for Infrastructure and Services
10.45-11.05 Presentation: 5G Network – Infrastructure for Industry 4.0 and knowledge based society
Martin Mellor – CEO Ericsson Poland
11.05-11.15 Presentation: Legal conditions supporting investments in 5G network infrastructure
Attorney-at-law Jakub Woźny – Media Law Firm
11.15-12.15 Discussion: Business models and regulations supporting investments in infrastructure
Moderator:  Roman Młodkowski – Journalist
Invited: Nikodem Bończa-Tomaszewski – CEO, Exatel
Marcin Cichy – CEO, UKE
Jean-Francois Fallacher – CEO, Orange
Thomas Lips – Member of the Board, T-Mobile,
Jacek Niewęgłowski PhD – Member of the Board, P4
Wojciech Pytel – Member of the Board, Polkomtel
Description This discussion panel will be dedicated to the methods of accelerating the construction of a universal infrastructure providing access to the 1 Gbps+ Internet technology.


  We will discuss the implications of the fact that smooth operation of IoT requires wireless access of such quality and bandwidth that is offered by fibre networks. In order to establish strategy to provide universal access to 5G networks, an effective strategy for building a dense fibre network. We will also refer the forecasts that call for radical acceleration of the pace of investment. We will ask the experts about system solutions that could remove the deficiencies of current conditions for the construction and operation of broadband networks. It is especially important to identify business models for network operation, which should be seen as the starting point for taking the necessary investment measures. The analysis should take into consideration all aspects of the construction and common use of the universal dense fibre network. The reorganisation of the market, starting from construction law, ending with the legal environment for defining the rights and obligations of all market participants and end users, is a prerequisite for maintaining the EU in the vanguard of transformations aiming at the construction of the Economy 4.0. These are tasks that go far beyond the financial and organisational capabilities of ICT operators.  


SESSION II –Digital public and social services in 5G Network
12.15-12.50 Presentation: Multi service access points for 5G Network Services
Jarosław Tworóg, PhD – Vice-president, KIGEiT
12.50-13.40 Discussion: Do we need new business models for services requiring 5G network?
Moderator:  Piotr Muszyński – ICT Market Expert
Invited:  Andrzej Dulka PhD – Prezes Zarządu, Alcatel-Lucent Polska, Nokia
Magdalena Dziewguć – Territory Manager, Google
Agnieszka Godlewska – CEO, Screen Network
Marek Gondzio PhD – CEO, Globema
Agata Wacławik-Wejman – Expert of Digital Services Markets
Maciej Zengel – Dyrektor Strategii Sieci i Infrastruktury Mobilnej, Orange
Wojciech Zaskórski – Director of Enterprise Business Division, Samsung
Description The purpose of the session is to discuss digital services that require 5G network functionalities. For decades, databases and opportunities for the next generation of digital machines and devices have been constantly growing.


Together they should be perceived as the cornerstone for many new universal services. Achievements in the field of artificial intelligence can dramatically reduce the cost of their integration and use „Big Data” – a term associated with processing and use of the data requires establishing access rules that will be appropriate for new business models and services. An urgent task is to develop a legal framework that will enable safe use of the data for creating value added, while respecting data protection rules and intellectual property rights. Providing sufficient conditions and new solutions for the development of new universal services that will fully use the possibilities offered by digital technology, requires greater innovation in this area. This requires deepening the cooperation of commercial companies and organisations providing public services. A particularly wide area for innovation is the health and social protection system. E-Health is the most difficult and the most capital-intensive part of the investment in the development of the knowledge-based society, nevertheless these are the investments that may have the fastest rate of return. In the majority of the developed countries, the role of the State in programming and funding of such projects has been constantly growing. We can expect significant benefits from the digitization of transport, agriculture, power grids and even agriculture. The aim of the panel is to have a closer look at the European dimension of this issue. It seems that mutual cooperation on digitisation of these services will significantly increase their efficiency, quality and profitability.


13.40-14.30 Lunch
SESSION III – Cybersecurity on the micro and the macro scale
14.30-14.45 Presentation: Integrated approach to cyber security solutions for 5G 
Jakub Borkowski PhD – CEE & Nordic European Marketing & Business Network Consulting Senior Business Expansion Manager, Huawei
14.45-15.30 Discussion: Key „Security by design” specifications for 5G hardware, software and networks
Moderator:  Krzysztof Heller PhD- Expert, KIGEiT
Invited:  Jakub Borkowski PhD – CEE & Nordic European Marketing & Business Network Consulting Senior Business Expansion Manager, Huawei
Albert Borowski – Director of Cybersecurity Dep., Comp 
Wojciech Kamieniecki PhD– CEO , NASK
Martin Mellor – CEO, Ericsson Polska
Prof. Roman Szwed – CEO, Atende
Iva Tasheva – Ekspert Cybersecurity, Digital Europe
Description As part of the session, we want to discuss the concept of ensuring cyber security of the 5G network. Cyber-security shall be perceived as an infrastructural, legislative and organisational priority.


It should take place on local and global level. On the global level, the issue that should be dealt with is the problem of protecting large management systems and monitoring of technical infrastructure, data collected about citizens and economy by the state, data collected by large economic organisations, etc. On the regional level, the issue that should be dealt with is the problem of digital security of assets of each citizen and small company.  The presentation will give us a better understanding of the extent to which, during the preparation of 5G network specifications, we will use all our previous experience to establish practical rules for the use of “security be design” principle. E-security on a regional and global level are interconnected because of the human factor.

Therefore, the awareness of digital threats and of how to protect oneself should be raised at the cultural level. This requires intervention of the State on the level of education curriculum, as well as legislative and normalisation decisions. The problem is often encountered in the public space, but too often seen as a task for IT professionals, which makes the activities to fight against it too slow and fragmentary. Industry 4.0 transformation means that in the near future we will entrust of many new business processes to software and machines that work through the network. In the face of opening a new chapter in the construction of a data transmission network, do we have a chance to improve the situation regarding cyber security?


SESJA IV – BIGDATA for Business Intelligence
15.30-15.45 Presentation: BIG DATA and Business Intelligence synergies
Tobin Ireland – CEO, Smartpipe Solutions
15.45-16.50 Discussion: How BIG DATA and Business Intelligence will develop in the EU?
Moderator:  Piotr Mieczkowski – CEO, Digital Poland Foundation
Invited:  Attorney-at-law Andrzej Abramczuk – Member of the Board,Netia
Patryk Choroś – Business Development Director, SAS Polska
Michał Krauze – Head Of New Business and Innovation, T-Mobile Polska 
Bartosz Malinowski – Vice President CEE & MENA at Adform
Chad Wollen – Member of the Board, Smartpipe Solutions
Description As part of the session, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that data is an important “raw material” of the digital economy. Business Intelligence is a very popular notion, which, however still hasn’t been fully implemented in practice.


It is perceived primarily through the prism of Big Data processed by big companies and rarely as a level of a company’s maturity and readiness to collaborate with other enterprises in the virtual space. It is a framework of system activities in an enterprise or an organisation that based on particular data builds knowledge and information about a company. Such activities must increase and transform into information systems capable of communicating with similar systems of other enterprises and organisations. Systems’ interoperability is a prerequisite for automating interactions between businesses. In other words, BI can be defined as business activities that help to prepare an enterprise to participate in integration into Industry 4.0. It should lead to a situation where the exchange of information between businesses and the State for statistical and tax purposes becomes normalised and standardised. The BI systems should undergo similar standardisation procedures, in order to prepare companies to take part in horizontal integration processes related to Industry 4.0. The condition for full use of the business potential of BD and BG technologies is the development of a new legal environment. We need to redefine the common interests of the individual, society and the economy, which will help us to understand the benefits arising from the activities of BG / BI. Only then will we be able to create a new system of defining the conditions for access to data stored in public and private resources.


16.45-17.00 Forum summary
  Oliver Blank, PhD – CEO, ZVEI European Office
Jarosław Tworóg, PhD – Vice-president, KIGEiT